Tuesday, 26 November 2019


What were you doing? Section 8 If the case is being heard in the High Court or a District Registry, the applicant should indicate whether it is to be dealt with by a master, district judge or judge. Section 4 At Section 4 the applicant should confirm whether they have attached a draft order to the application by ticking the appropriate box. Section 5 At Section 5 the applicant should confirm how they wish the application to be dealt with by ticking the appropriate box. Still have a question? court form n244

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How do I fill in an Application Notice N244?

Helpful notes come with the form. The claim number can be found at the top right hand side of the claim form.

At Section 4 the applicant should confirm whether they have attached a draft order to the application by ticking the appropriate box. Question 5 asks whether you want the application dealt with at a hearing or without one. Section 1 At Section 1 the name of the person making the application should n2444 stated.

PDFKB3 pages. A court can deal with an application without a hearing if: Skip to main content. Question 9 asks who should be served. Bear in mind that if an order is made without a hearing, a party is entitled to ask for it to be reviewed at a hearing. There will only be a warrant number if enforcement action has been commenced.

This may not be the same court in which the proceedings were commenced. Question 4 indicates that you can attach a draft of the order you are applying for.

At Section 5 the applicant should confirm how they wish the application to be dealt with by ticking the appropriate box. A draft order should be attached unless it is a very straightforward application. The names of the parties should also be stated, together with their reference from, where appropriate.

Making an application

Find out how HM Courts and Tribunals Service uses personal information you give when you fill in a form. Application notice Form - large print PDF If the case is being heard in the High Court or a District Registry, the applicant should indicate whether it is to be dealt with by a master, district judge or judge.

Use this 'application notice' to ask a court to set aside or vary a judgment, or suspend an enforcement process. The claim number should also be stated.

court form n244

Any warrant number should also be stated. At Section 11 the applicant must sign and date the application, confirm their status if signing on behalf of a firm or company, and provide their contact details.

n application form

A statement written into the form must bear a Statement of Truth signed by the maker. Still have a question?

Please tell us what format you need. At Section 1 the name of the person making the application should be stated.

court form n244

Where the applicant requests that the application be dealt with without a hearing, the court may still list the matter for a hearing if it considers it necessary.

The court office will tell you the amount of the court fee you must pay on filing the application. Thank you for your feedback.

Form N244: Make an application to a court ('application notice')

Any data collected is anonymised. To help us improve GOV. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. You can change your cookie settings at any time. PDFKB4 pages.

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