Sunday, 17 November 2019


Game of the Year. Even new authors give me something to learn. Lastly, if I'm not mistaken, it was his idea to actually host an Erin's awards show of sort at the ifMUD. The scoring system is unfortunately bugged making it possible to achieve percent completion only because some points are included that aren't in the total. After the return of the Lifetime Achievement Award, there seems to be general agreement that it would be a good idea to reinstate the Erins in a limited way, with Game of the Year and Best New Author being seen as the most important awards. bad sister goblinboy

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Study Date by Karrek. Monday, 5 January Now you can support me on Patreon! I'm being selfish with the open thread here and asking something directly related to the game I'm working on.

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What does AIF stand for? The Mirror by Stormchild. Among all I've played probably the most repayable game I've played Tlaero and Phreaky games are close.

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Bloodlines planned for, but I got really bored because there was no storyline to speak of. Molly seems to have genuine feelings for the PC but he acts very much like a cad in the situation where she should be able to trust him.

School Dreams 2: Forfeit Fantasy by GoblinBoy

I have achieved my first funding goal! When I try to "seem invisable" i get thrown out of the room This is open to any author who released their first complete game in His work was sistet behind-the-scenes, but it was significant none-the-less. D" And finally, a couple of people who'd already won the lifetime achievement award, but got votes anyway: FutureSuper PAC. Not unless I want a career in writing porn games, and that's unfortunately a niche market right now.

Its now fallen to you to seduce Mike's little sister Molly and make her a woman.

Also, the sheer amount of effort that went into revamping Date Ariane into the 10th anniversary edition; especially with the effort that went into reinforcing the continuity between the revamp and the Gobblinboy in the Air storylines was quite impressive.

Thanks for the share, is there a link to this? I thought that Taylor was unrealistically antagonistic, so I added the back story.

What year did you first come across AIF? The writing is standard AIF fare, occasionally clunky descriptions or dialogue that at times stumble along with repeated phrases that become tired. To help make your donation quicker and easier just click the "Donate" button and you will be taken to the secure Paypal donation page. I don't deserve all the credit either, someone posted a dump of some of the code that gave an answer to what I was missing.

Of course, writing an RPG is actually a lot of work and I hadn't exactly anticipated that. So I just started with a basic premise of a person going on a date with a girlfriend.

Which of the following formats script or book style is the best terms I can think of, not asking about the colorsin your opinion, is best in an AIF story reader perspective: Ask Molly how old she is and she responds: As gets pointed out pretty frequently, AIF is a niche that occupys a miniscule portion of all the adult content on the Internet.

This was supposed to be a small game but I quickly realized that programming an AIF extension was going to be hard as shit and foursomes are very labor intensive.

But as foblinboy can tell - a lot of his stuff has replay value in my eyes, as I kept this much,. Last edited by Hoboy on Sat Nov 08, 9: No, this is an example, not an AIF game.

And while it does change the descriptions and sometimes automatically adapts to the changing scene, sometimes it precludes certain acts and requires a break in the flow siister a scene in order to reposition. The next game was going to be entitled The Alt Girlswhich was a sex-romp through a town where you slept with a lot of girls who were into various alternative cultures.

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I'm not innocent and I don't think that girls don't do stuff.

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